华南师范大学附属外国语学校(以下简称华师外校)创新融合部I-EP中小学开设IB课程,是IB授权学校(PYP & MYP)。
本周之星 Star of the Week
PYP Hugo Xie 谢启正
MYP Kelly He 何思琪
PYP Louis Chen 陈泓睿
MYP Andrew Zhang 张延一
This week’s star of the week proved to be a principled student. He takes his responsibilities in the class seriously and contributes into creating a cleaner and more comfortable classroom environment. He’s diligent with his homework and always follows teachers’ instructions. On top of that, he’s also an excellent thinker and always finds creative solutions to different problems. He is also able to communicate his ideas clearly and precisely with his classmates and his teachers. Due to his work ethic and sense of responsibility, he’s an excellent role model for his classmates.
This week’s PYP star of the week is a thinker and reflective student. He can think about and answer questions, and complete homework on time. In his daily school life, he can actively reflect on what he has done well and what needs to be improved, consciously correct his shortcomings, and make himself a better learner.
This week’s star of the week proved to be a thinker by trying to understand every detail and ask questions for deeper learning, she always thinks logically and critically. She’s also balanced by showing great connection between body and mind. She has proven to be balanced in skills, knowledge and dedication. Her work ethic is admirable, and she is still able to find time for her friends and even help others.
This week’s star of the week proved to be balanced by his consistent hard work and progress across subjects and for still finding time to do sports, relax and enjoy his life in the MYP community. He is also an inquirer by pursuing his studies in language and literature, using all kinds of resources to explore the truth and improve the quality and depth of his own work. He is knowledgeable by becoming familiar with the concepts being learned in mathematics and always working accurately on both word problems and projects. He has demonstrated his understandings in Science visually, verbally, and written. He constantly gets perfect scores in his written output and can give clear and reasonable examples on how he can apply his new learning in real life situations.
光荣榜 Honor Roll 恭喜PYP小学所有参加国际书本大赛的同学,他们在本次三十所广深地区学校参与的比赛中获得第三名!他们分别是:
★ 范校、 Mr. Faninghan与PYP参赛学生合影
★ 范校与MYP参赛学生合影
I-EP House tickets achievements
在社制文化的建设下,I-EP推出每周之星(Start of the week)制度,以鼓励学生有更多积极正面的行为,从而进一步推动I-EP成为一个积极、正面的专业学习社群。
每个星期五我们会在公开、公平、公正的原则下,通过统计学生所获得的House Tickets,获得票数最多的学生当选出 “本周之星”。每周一的升旗典礼上,将会由校长亲自鼓励和颁发奖状给这名学生,对他的行为进行嘉奖鼓励,同时我们会将合影发给整个I-EP社群,让所有的家长、同学和老师知晓“本周之星”所做的事情,鼓励其他学生有更加正面积极的行为。