Good education requires cooperation between family and school. As a bridge connecting school and home, the PTA (parents-teacher association) can greatly promote the home-school co-education and facilitate children's all-round development.
★ 感谢各位家长对学校工作的大力支持
★ I-EP PTA 合影
★ IHP PTA 合影
★ 会议主持人:MYP学生成长处负责人黄美玲老师
★ 张元珩先生
★ 李细枚女士
We appreciate the understanding and support of every parent, and believe that with our joint efforts, our children will be able to grow up better and have a bright future. Let's work hand in hand and build a better Huawai learning community together!
双向奔赴,让爱成就未来。感谢每位家长对学校工作的理解与支持,相信在我们的共同努力下,孩子们定能茁壮成长,书写属于他们的精彩篇章。让我们群策群力,携手同行, 静心栽培,守望成长,共听花开的声音,共享花开的幸福,共建更优质的华外社区!