华南师范大学附属外国语学校(以下简称华师外校)创新融合部I-EP中小学开设IB课程,是IB授权学校(PYP & MYP)。
本周之星 Star of the Week
PYP Baron Xue 薛皓轩
PYP Brittney Yu 余汶莉
MYP Tiffany Xie 谢卓彤
The Star of the Week has proven himself to be one of the most principled students throughout this period of online learning. He has modeled exemplary behavior for his classmates and is a real risk-taker when it comes to volunteering within a virtual setting. His relentless positivity has also proven to be infectious within our classroom setting and the work he produces continues to improve and impress as the school year wears on. The enthusiasm he exudes on a day to day basis is undeniable and enviable.
Brittney Yu 余汶莉
This week’s PYP star of the week is a balanced students who possesses characteristics all of the learner profiles. Her positive and diligent attitude has turned her into a reference of hard work and discipline among her classmates and teachers. She has extraordinary self-management skills. She has become a leader; someone everyone can turn to for help in completing tasks. She’s always willing to offer a helping hand when needed. She participates in all classes, follows the rules and routines and is always very organized and on time for all her classes. During the past two weeks of online lessons, she showed that no matter the circumstances, she will continue to be an active learner. She’s a true IB learner and has a bright future ahead of her.
This week’s star of the week proved to be a good communicator by appropriately using mathematical language to communicate complete and coherent mathematical lines of reasoning. This star has also demonstrated leadership skills by engaging her group for inquiry project.
Welcome new Teacher
★ 余冰琳老师
本周贴士 Tip of the Week
I-EP House tickets achievements
在社制文化的建设下,I-EP推出每周之星(Start of the week)制度,以鼓励学生有更多积极正面的行为,从而进一步推动I-EP成为一个积极、正面的专业学习社群。
每个星期五我们会在公开、公平、公正的原则下,通过统计学生所获得的House Tickets,获得票数最多的学生当选出 “本周之星”。每周一的升旗典礼上,将会由校长亲自鼓励和颁发奖状给这名学生,对他的行为进行嘉奖鼓励,同时我们会将合影发给整个I-EP社群,让所有的家长、同学和老师知晓“本周之星”所做的事情,鼓励其他学生有更加正面积极的行为。